"Ball cupping"- socially acceptable term?
I first heard it used by Rob Cordry on the "Daily Show" about a month ago, in the context of "If you question the illegal wire-tapping, you are CUPPING OSAMA'S BALLS!"
Since then, on several occasions, I have tried to use it in a corporate context as a substitute for "brown-nosing", an expression which I feel is no longer politically correct, especially considering how many of my colleagues have origins in the Indian subcontinent. An example of the new zeitgeist:
"Wow, Nejindra, you sure were cupping Peter's balls in that meeting this morning!"
Every time I try it out, however, I receive looks of consternation and/or disapproval. For this expression to be used on the "Daily Show", it would have had to be cleared by Comedy Central's legal department. Does ball-cupping really seem like such a bad thing? Such a crime against humanity?
No, I say.
What a wonderful term! I shall look for new ways to use this term in the home environment...
I always thought "brown-nosing" was a reference to smelling someone's butt. Is it really an ethnic reference?
No, I believe your interpretation is correct. I think it is best to avoid potential misunderstandings and so have pledged to not use it any more.
"Cotton-picking", as in "Keep your cotton-picking hands off my stuff" is an ethnic slur. Of course, the folks who picked cotton were black slaves.
@ea sandy mackay
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