An appeal from the heart
I have searched high and low on the internet, but I cannot find that photo from last summer of Jack Layton and Olivia Chow in a canoe, paddling through a Canadian Shield-type landscape.
The reason I am obsessed with that shot is that, at the time, I ignored it as another meaningless photo opportunity. Then, later, I read a column (I forget where) in which the writer stated that Jack Layton was the only person he had ever seen that could look indignant while paddling a canoe.
This got a big laugh from me because, in my mind's eye, Jack did look angry about something, like maybe someone off-camera had loudly farted.
Maybe it is the moustache? It looks bristly and, well, indignant. As supporting evidence of my theory, I cite 'Gorgeous' George Galloway. He has a closer cropped, toothbrush-style moustache, but he also looks indignant, almost by default.
Truth be told, I would grow a moustache if I could, be damned the grey hairs!
Anyhoo, does anyone out there have a graphic of that shot that they can send me?
I believe this gentleman's appearance is an evolution of that of one named Adolf... 'member him?
Want to see Jack go to NDP site
That's it!
Thanks very much, 'anonymous'.
I must qualify my previous response. Having reviewed the images on the ndp website, I conclude this is NOT what I am looking for.
Since Jack is smiling (as far as I can tell, since they are very low resolution) he cannot look indignant.
They must have taken at least 50 shots. The 2 at NDP headquarters are a bit sad. Maybe they are trying to save money?
More help, please!
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