Joe Strummer: the Future is Unwritten
Currently showing in Canada at a classy repetoire cinema near you, Joe Strummer: the Future is Unwritten is, unsurprisingly, a documentary about Joe Strummer, the ex-Clash frontman.
Who cares? I do. Looking back, I have to say that the Clash's political views, exposed to me at a sensitive age, have made me the moonbat I am today.
Social Justice? Anti-militarism? A strong belief in what is right or wrong? What 12 year old could resist it?
I think that I am not alone in my feeling that once Uncle Joe died, we lost a good one. Where is the justice that Sir Mick or Rod "if you think I'm sexy" Stewart still continue poncing about when good people like Joe die prematurely?
This is where aetheism starts!
In fact, if I think of pop culture figures that died before 'the fullness of time', the two I miss the most are Joe Strummer and Phil Hartman.
The documentary has been reviewed by, amongst others, the Star and the Globe and Mail .
Moonbat another new word I learned from your blog.
I was hoping "aetheism" was too, but I believe its just a typo atheism. After searching Wiki and Dictionary.com
Unless you just invented it which would be cool too!
Joe was a good guy who made good music.
How dare someone question my usage of the word "aetheism"?!?
I just happen to prefer archaic spellings.
Many words with greek roots properly make use of the 'ae' combination. in fact, they are often combined together in a single character: "æ".
Thus, in older books, one often encounters "ætheist", "anæsthetic", etc.
A Typo? Please...
Are y'all sure the blogger wasn't tryin' to say "athleticism" not "aetheism" which I do believe is correct? Joe was quite a football star as a lad.
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