That is apparently what the smart-alecks that run the Prime Minister's homepage would have us believe.
Scroll down the page, and there is a graphic in the left column entitled "Foster Pet Programs". This is it in the context of the page:

Fair enough, one might think. Good cause and all that.
But take a closer look at the photo:

Here, one kitty is sound asleep nestled atop the comforting expanse of the PM's gut, while the PM pauses from reading a book (to it?).
Another very similar looking kitty appears uninterested in the story and is gazing fixedly into the middle distance (a popular motif in Prime Ministerial photos, it seems).
Now that I have stared at this (a photoshop creation, surely!) for a while, I have decided that the graphic designer is having a bit of fun.
You know, like having a politician famous for his lack of basic human qualities depicted reading a storybook to some little kitties.
Those kitties urgently needed some lovin', and the PM stepped up to the plate, be damned the consequences!
Cat hair all over his suit or an interruption to his busy schedule is unimportant when rogue, unadopted kitties might run wild.
Priceless. Enjoy it now, because I suspect it won't be around for long.